Thursday, October 02, 2003

Took my camera with me on our daily walk today. It was another amazing Fall day in Hay River. 64F - I stripped down to a sleeveless t-shirt and I was still feeling the heat

Jesse on the Trail - clik for bigger

Jesse jumping from a rock on the Kiwanis Nature Trail

Fall on the Hay River- click for larger version

Fall on the Hay River - taken from the nature trail about 250 yards from my home.

On the knitting front - Jackie made a boo boo. Finished the body of Sonnet and noticed that I had two different widths on the front. I had knitted 16 rows after casting on after the last armhole. I should have knitted 26. DUH! So I frogged back to the error. Oh well at least I noticed before I was wearing it :-)

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