My mother-in-law passed away at 11am this morning.
For anybody reading this that smokes, she died of lung cancer. And it was not nice. Lily was only 69.
I am so thankful that I found the strength to quit when I did.
Now you are at rest and out of pain Lily.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Friday, December 24, 2004
Jesse aged 3 1/2 and the first time he sat on Santa's lap without screaming.
'Twas the Night Before Christmas
'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,
With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.
He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
in the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
we're happy tonight,
walking in a winter wonderland.
OK so I don't live in a real winter wonderland but we have lots of snow and it is a "balmy" -35c with blue skies and sunshine. Yes it is bloody freezing LOL
Please excuse the bad photo (how many sleeps until I get my new camera???). You can see the moon in the photo (taken at 2pm) and in the opposite direction is the sun. I always find that fascinating.
in the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
we're happy tonight,
walking in a winter wonderland.
OK so I don't live in a real winter wonderland but we have lots of snow and it is a "balmy" -35c with blue skies and sunshine. Yes it is bloody freezing LOL
Please excuse the bad photo (how many sleeps until I get my new camera???). You can see the moon in the photo (taken at 2pm) and in the opposite direction is the sun. I always find that fascinating.
Monday, December 20, 2004
Jesse's cable sweater has been completed and, and, and, and IT IS TOO BIG. I was trying to surprise him and had not put it up against him to check size. The design is baggy so I was just thinking that was why it seemed on the large side. Oh well. It will fit him next winter.
I am currently knitting a Two Old Bags design called Lady's Triangle Bag. Nice mindless knitting which I really need at the moment.
Heard that my dad in England is not doing well. I feel so torn. Ron's Mom is really going downhill fast and his dad needs some help. I get the distinct feeling that the in-laws are supposed to be more important that my Dad. And I am totally stuck in the middle not knowing what to do. I haven't be able to see my Dad for 8 "expletive" years now.
On a fun note. I found this quiz on Brenda's blog and wondered what my results would be.
SHOCK! HORROR! Well it *is* just a quiz!

You're a witchy woman! Chances are that you see
Morticia Addams as a role model, and your
wardrobe sports a fair amount of black. The
other mothers at school pick up may look
askance, but your kids already know that the
judgement of others isn't what counts.
What kind of a freaky mother are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
I am currently knitting a Two Old Bags design called Lady's Triangle Bag. Nice mindless knitting which I really need at the moment.
Heard that my dad in England is not doing well. I feel so torn. Ron's Mom is really going downhill fast and his dad needs some help. I get the distinct feeling that the in-laws are supposed to be more important that my Dad. And I am totally stuck in the middle not knowing what to do. I haven't be able to see my Dad for 8 "expletive" years now.
On a fun note. I found this quiz on Brenda's blog and wondered what my results would be.
SHOCK! HORROR! Well it *is* just a quiz!
You're a witchy woman! Chances are that you see
Morticia Addams as a role model, and your
wardrobe sports a fair amount of black. The
other mothers at school pick up may look
askance, but your kids already know that the
judgement of others isn't what counts.
What kind of a freaky mother are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Friday, December 03, 2004
Guess I should have checked the temperature BEFORE I went outside. Jesse and I went out to clear some of the big snow fall that we had overnight. I was frozen after a few minutes and Jesse (more wrapped up than myself) complained after 5 minutes. The windchill was -38c!!!!
Normally I would leave it for Ron to do with snow-blower -- however it is the Santa parade in town tonight and we wouldn't have been able to get the van out of the drive. The was around 3 feet of snow on one side.
I had to put down my knitting to test a crochet pattern for somebody. But I am not "too" far off finishing Jesse's cable pullover. Some progress on sleeve #1. Should take en eternity considering they it's for a 3 year old.
A little bird told me (my DH is lousy at keeping secrets) that I am getting a new digital camera for Xmas. Now I wonder how he knew which one??? My guess is that he saw me reading Terri's blog about her new Nikon.
No good news on the sick relatives - well not too much anyway. FIL had his triple bypass on Wednesday. So far so good.... I am not saying a word more.
MIL was trying to get comfortable in her hospital bed and was lifting herself up. The nurse in the room heard a crack and MIL had broken her arm. So she is being taken by ambulance to Edmonton to have that pinned.
Needless to say, we are not telling FIL until he is well on the way to recovery.
Normally I would leave it for Ron to do with snow-blower -- however it is the Santa parade in town tonight and we wouldn't have been able to get the van out of the drive. The was around 3 feet of snow on one side.
I had to put down my knitting to test a crochet pattern for somebody. But I am not "too" far off finishing Jesse's cable pullover. Some progress on sleeve #1. Should take en eternity considering they it's for a 3 year old.
A little bird told me (my DH is lousy at keeping secrets) that I am getting a new digital camera for Xmas. Now I wonder how he knew which one??? My guess is that he saw me reading Terri's blog about her new Nikon.
No good news on the sick relatives - well not too much anyway. FIL had his triple bypass on Wednesday. So far so good.... I am not saying a word more.
MIL was trying to get comfortable in her hospital bed and was lifting herself up. The nurse in the room heard a crack and MIL had broken her arm. So she is being taken by ambulance to Edmonton to have that pinned.
Needless to say, we are not telling FIL until he is well on the way to recovery.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
Not been able to update lately as I got a new computer. So many programs to install for business that the blogging took a back seat for a while.
For any of you Canadian readers that are interested -- the Canadian Fibre Arts Webring has moved to a new manager (no prizes for guessing who). If any Canadians have suitable website and wish to join just click on the banner for more information.

We were also away on family duties. MIL is very ill and we made a mad rush south. Then FIL learnt he needs a triple bypass. My father has had a stroke too. I guess that they are all reaching that age. It is scary. I took my knitting down with me but never managed a stitch. I did pick up Jesse's Cable sweater again last night. First time I have been able to knit in a couple of weeks. If I stop blogging now, I might just get a few rounds in before bed.
For any of you Canadian readers that are interested -- the Canadian Fibre Arts Webring has moved to a new manager (no prizes for guessing who). If any Canadians have suitable website and wish to join just click on the banner for more information.
We were also away on family duties. MIL is very ill and we made a mad rush south. Then FIL learnt he needs a triple bypass. My father has had a stroke too. I guess that they are all reaching that age. It is scary. I took my knitting down with me but never managed a stitch. I did pick up Jesse's Cable sweater again last night. First time I have been able to knit in a couple of weeks. If I stop blogging now, I might just get a few rounds in before bed.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
In Flanders Fields
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Thursday, October 28, 2004
Jesse had a party at playschool today. Not a Halloween party as some parents were not happy about their child celebrating that. Ok so we all have our beliefs. When I grew up in England, there was no such thing anyway. So I make the most of now being the big kid that I am.
I know the kids got far too much sugar there today. Jesse was so hyper that it was like watching somebody on drugs. I did manage to get him to stand stil long enough to take a picture of his cute face painting. He is into silly smiles this week. Makes me wonder how the teachers got him to stand still long enough too!!
Finished the little poncho that I designed. Now if only I could get a good photo of it. It looks really creased in the photo but it isn't. We are low on daylight in this part of the world at this time of year. It is pretty gloomy outside or just too cold to go out and take photos. It is knit from the top down on circulars. The only sewing required is weaving in the yarn ends (BIG YIPEE from me as I don't like to sew). Fits children from 2 -10 years.
If anybody is interested, it is available for purchase in the right hand column of this site (US$) or on my business site in CAN$.
If anybody is interested, it is available for purchase in the right hand column of this site (US$) or on my business site in CAN$.
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
All the stress of the past few months is over. The motion to rezone the lot opposite our house was defeated by a vote of 4 to 2. One councillor excused himself as he is the boss of the landowner and another is too sick to attend. So we WON!!!!!!! I was ready to jump up and make my voice heard if they voted the other way. That may have even got me arrested (although I was sitting next to my ex neighbour who used to be the RCMP Staff Sergeant until he retired). Luckily it did not come to that. Ron and I have put our hearts and souls into fighting this. It probably isn't completely over as we have no idea on what will be planned next -- but it can't be worse than planning to build a 12 plex which will all be rental suites. We are a low rise single family area that was built about 30-40 years ago. Suddenly dropping an apartment building in the middle of us ( BANG SLAP in the middle as it is a small crescent) would have destroyed the great community that we have. Most of us have lived here for over 8 years and some have been here 20 plus years.
One councillor said that we had opposed everything offered - a seniors home, a young offenders home - but we had not ever heard about the seniors home. That would be perfect. The young offenders was not officially on the cards either. It was a rumour and then they looked at a different area. That crescent fought against it and they now have the Playschool that Jesse attends on the land.
All I can say is Thank God we learnt this was all being rushed through in breach of bylaws back in May/June. If we hadn't - they would have passed this before we ever learnt what was happening. Maybe they now realise that their "old boys club" is starting to fall apart. And wait until the next election!!! There will be some changes if we have anything to do with it. (And if I get my Canadian Citizenship by then, then you may even see me stand as councillor)
One councillor said that we had opposed everything offered - a seniors home, a young offenders home - but we had not ever heard about the seniors home. That would be perfect. The young offenders was not officially on the cards either. It was a rumour and then they looked at a different area. That crescent fought against it and they now have the Playschool that Jesse attends on the land.
All I can say is Thank God we learnt this was all being rushed through in breach of bylaws back in May/June. If we hadn't - they would have passed this before we ever learnt what was happening. Maybe they now realise that their "old boys club" is starting to fall apart. And wait until the next election!!! There will be some changes if we have anything to do with it. (And if I get my Canadian Citizenship by then, then you may even see me stand as councillor)
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Hope all the Canadian's reading this had a lovely Thanksgiving. We were supposed to go down to Alberta but Ron had to go north instead. It would have made the trip too short and too crazy by the time he got home.
I am still working on the cable sweater for Jesse. The yarn is quite hard on my wrists so I just do a little of that at a time.
Also designed a little Pumpkin Patch Hat which he proudly models.
My next brainstorm was a little poncho design. #1 problem - why has it only got 3 shoulder seams instead of 4???? GRRRRRRR. I was about 1/3 of the way through the design before I finally woke up. It was really heartbreaking to frog it. But I did it without tears. About 1/4 has been re-knitted. It looks so much nicer with 4 shoulder seams - grin
Jesse seems to be coming on in leaps and bounds since starting play-school. He nearly made me pass out with shock when he came home and pointed to B and said what it was. He knows J for Jesse and Jackie and sometimes R for Ronald. We have a great gift on the fridge. It is a magnetic alphabet that Jesse's Nana Norma gave him. Made by Leappad. It really helps him learn his letters as he can sing along....and he loves to sing.
I am still working on the cable sweater for Jesse. The yarn is quite hard on my wrists so I just do a little of that at a time.
My next brainstorm was a little poncho design. #1 problem - why has it only got 3 shoulder seams instead of 4???? GRRRRRRR. I was about 1/3 of the way through the design before I finally woke up. It was really heartbreaking to frog it. But I did it without tears. About 1/4 has been re-knitted. It looks so much nicer with 4 shoulder seams - grin
Jesse seems to be coming on in leaps and bounds since starting play-school. He nearly made me pass out with shock when he came home and pointed to B and said what it was. He knows J for Jesse and Jackie and sometimes R for Ronald. We have a great gift on the fridge. It is a magnetic alphabet that Jesse's Nana Norma gave him. Made by Leappad. It really helps him learn his letters as he can sing along....and he loves to sing.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Feeling gross. Picked up yet another cold - Jesse caught this at playschool. I haven't stopped coughing from the cold we got on vacation yet. YUCKY!
We had the Public Hearing for the rezoning of the land opposite our home last night. I think the residents did very well in letting their opinions be known. My Hubby was almost sick with worry about having to stand up and speak but he pulled it off. Now we wait. 12 apartments in this area just **doesn't** work.
On the knitting front I began a new project. It is from Cabin Fever's wonderful book called Top Down for Toddlers. I am making the cream coloured, cable pullover for Jesse. The yarn I chose to use is a beige fleck. Not been a cable knitter before and I quite surprised at how easy I am finding it. It sure doesn't look too bad for a first attempt.
We had the Public Hearing for the rezoning of the land opposite our home last night. I think the residents did very well in letting their opinions be known. My Hubby was almost sick with worry about having to stand up and speak but he pulled it off. Now we wait. 12 apartments in this area just **doesn't** work.
On the knitting front I began a new project. It is from Cabin Fever's wonderful book called Top Down for Toddlers. I am making the cream coloured, cable pullover for Jesse. The yarn I chose to use is a beige fleck. Not been a cable knitter before and I quite surprised at how easy I am finding it. It sure doesn't look too bad for a first attempt.
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
As promised Jesse's Placket Pullover completed.
The colours are slightly darker than the pic shows. More burgundy and darker green. Both of our cameras were doing this to the sweater. I will try to take a pic of it on the little guy tomorrow - outside.

And here is a picture of him just going into playschool on his first day.

I was SOOOOO proud of him. He went off with the teacher and never really looked backed. The bus brought him home and there was this little face waving at Mommy out of the window. He was so excited to have been on a school bus at last. He rushed in, un-zipped his backpack and pulled out a magnifying glass that he had made in craft-time. He was terribly proud of it. He told me he peed at school (big achievement for him) and that the bus was bumpy. Hopefully I won't be such a wreck on Thursday when he has his 2nd day.
The colours are slightly darker than the pic shows. More burgundy and darker green. Both of our cameras were doing this to the sweater. I will try to take a pic of it on the little guy tomorrow - outside.
And here is a picture of him just going into playschool on his first day.
I was SOOOOO proud of him. He went off with the teacher and never really looked backed. The bus brought him home and there was this little face waving at Mommy out of the window. He was so excited to have been on a school bus at last. He rushed in, un-zipped his backpack and pulled out a magnifying glass that he had made in craft-time. He was terribly proud of it. He told me he peed at school (big achievement for him) and that the bus was bumpy. Hopefully I won't be such a wreck on Thursday when he has his 2nd day.
Jesse's new sweater is just about finished. I have 8 rounds of 1x1 rib, sew on buttons and weave in ends. This has been just about the fastest project that I ever worked on. Not sure if it is the pattern or me. The pattern was very well written except for one line which was out of place. Luckily, as I have knitted top down sweaters before, I knew that I should knitting one round of increases and then one round straight. So I should have a FO to show later today or tomorrow. (About time too!)
My little boy has his first day at playschool without me this afternoon. The bus was coming to collect him but Ron and I decided to take him the first time. We want to make sure he is OK and to take pics of him entering the school on his first day. He seems so little to be doing this. I was actually only 4 years old when I started school full time. Back in the early 60s in England, that was how it was done at the local school's. Jesse is only going for 2 1/2 hours - 2 afternoons per week. And I am so worried about my little love. Aren't I silly?
Here is a lovely pic of Jesse on our vacation. This was taken in Robert's Roost RV park in Quesnel, BC (great place to stay).
My little boy has his first day at playschool without me this afternoon. The bus was coming to collect him but Ron and I decided to take him the first time. We want to make sure he is OK and to take pics of him entering the school on his first day. He seems so little to be doing this. I was actually only 4 years old when I started school full time. Back in the early 60s in England, that was how it was done at the local school's. Jesse is only going for 2 1/2 hours - 2 afternoons per week. And I am so worried about my little love. Aren't I silly?
Here is a lovely pic of Jesse on our vacation. This was taken in Robert's Roost RV park in Quesnel, BC (great place to stay).
Thursday, September 09, 2004
Jesse's first time at Play-School went quite well. I think Mom was the most nervous. Jesse was rather upset that the school bus didn't come to collect him. He assumed that it would if he was going to school. They do have a small bus which they use for outings....and lucky for Jesse, the kids in the afternoon classes can be collected by the little bus. He is going to be SOOOOOO happy when it comes to get him next week. He already knows the lady that drives it -- she is not only a neighbour but also one of the teachers.
He wouldn't sit for the book reading which was highly embarrassing for me. All the other kids sat and listened to the story while Jesse got into any toy he could find and generally was loud. I think he will be OK if I am not there though.
So all in all, I was happy. The setup is great and Jesse will benefit from more structured activities without Mommy around. He has only ever been away from me for one morning in 3 years!!!!
Thing about making the Poncho Pullover that seems to be the rage at the moment.
Cabin Fever sold masses at a recent show evidently and I can barely keep it in stock. It's extremely popular. I wondered if it might be something for me. Not sure if it will suit my short frame though. But perhaps the point might make me look taller???? Comments anybody???
He wouldn't sit for the book reading which was highly embarrassing for me. All the other kids sat and listened to the story while Jesse got into any toy he could find and generally was loud. I think he will be OK if I am not there though.
So all in all, I was happy. The setup is great and Jesse will benefit from more structured activities without Mommy around. He has only ever been away from me for one morning in 3 years!!!!
Thing about making the Poncho Pullover that seems to be the rage at the moment.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
Long time since I blogged. Can't shake the cold/cough that I picked up on vacation. I feel so tired. Still trying to get fit enough to go and have my blood tests done as I am always so tired. I know I work a lot and have a toddler but I don't think I should feel THIS tired.
Talking of my adorable toddler. He starts Play School next week. We go to meet the teachers and other pupils on Thursday. There are only 6 kids in his group. We only know one of them. He starts for two afternoons per week as of the 14th. I am sort of excited and equally as worried. I guess that is what you call "being a Mom".
Had to give up knitting the Georgina cardigan as I knew I would run out yarn. Tried desperately to get more but it is no longer made and nobody seems to have a couple of balls spare.
My new project is a sweater for Jesse. I have had a book for ages but hadn't got around to knitting anything from it yet. It is called Kids to Grown Ups Seamless Sweaters . So far the instructions seem clear and well written. I am making Jesse the Kids Placket Pullover. The yarn is basic Red Hear TLC in a variegated colour called Polo. Red Heart is not wonderful to knit with but it sure is great for a kid like Jesse to wear.
My garden died last night. We got hit by a -6c frost. It hadn't been predicted. I lost all my peas and beans. We had barely had anything from our garden this year due to a total lack of rain. Oh well.
Talking of my adorable toddler. He starts Play School next week. We go to meet the teachers and other pupils on Thursday. There are only 6 kids in his group. We only know one of them. He starts for two afternoons per week as of the 14th. I am sort of excited and equally as worried. I guess that is what you call "being a Mom".
Had to give up knitting the Georgina cardigan as I knew I would run out yarn. Tried desperately to get more but it is no longer made and nobody seems to have a couple of balls spare.
My new project is a sweater for Jesse. I have had a book for ages but hadn't got around to knitting anything from it yet. It is called Kids to Grown Ups Seamless Sweaters . So far the instructions seem clear and well written. I am making Jesse the Kids Placket Pullover. The yarn is basic Red Hear TLC in a variegated colour called Polo. Red Heart is not wonderful to knit with but it sure is great for a kid like Jesse to wear.
My garden died last night. We got hit by a -6c frost. It hadn't been predicted. I lost all my peas and beans. We had barely had anything from our garden this year due to a total lack of rain. Oh well.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
We're all going on a summer holiday
no more working for a week or two.
Fun and laughter on our summer holiday,
no more worries for me or you,
for a week or two.
And if you have never seen the Cliff Richard movie Summer Holiday, you have no idea of the tune to the song above.
We used to sing it as kids when we were on our way to Norfolk (county in England) to see Nana and Grandad.
Anyway, we are heading out on a little vacation. BC here were come. Hope it won't be too hot but I hope it won't rain either.
Not seen much rain this summer so it has to arrive eventually.
no more working for a week or two.
Fun and laughter on our summer holiday,
no more worries for me or you,
for a week or two.
And if you have never seen the Cliff Richard movie Summer Holiday, you have no idea of the tune to the song above.
We used to sing it as kids when we were on our way to Norfolk (county in England) to see Nana and Grandad.
Anyway, we are heading out on a little vacation. BC here were come. Hope it won't be too hot but I hope it won't rain either.
Not seen much rain this summer so it has to arrive eventually.
Friday, August 06, 2004
Thursday, August 05, 2004
Just about caught up from our trip to Barrhead/Edmonton, AB.
The main reason for the trip was to visit the in-laws. Ron's Mom began raditation treatment the day after we arrived. She seemed to cope well but got very tired a few hours afterwards. I think us being there helped her cope better. But after a few days I wondered if she wasn't trying to stay out of bed just because we were there. Ron agreed. So we left on the Wednesday. It takes us 2 days to get there and 2 to get back -- driving the 12 hours in one day is just too much for Jesse. Looks like we will be heading south again soon...we haven't really had a vacation this year yet so we will either go to Barkerville or maybe Slave Lake, AB. The beach at the Slave Lake would be perfect for Jesse and perhaps the in-laws could drive up with their 5th wheel and meet us there. FIL often goes there to fish anyway.
We had our new (2nd hand) 5th wheel hitched behind us for the first time on this trip. The truck misfired every time we hit a hill. For those that have travelled between Valleyview and Edmonton, you know there are LOTs of hills. It was over 30c too. Plus Jesse wanted to stop and pee about every 5 minutes. Needles to say, the trip down wasn't great. The air conditioner was a godsend as was the microwave. Pure luxury after our little truck camper.
We took the truck into a dealer in Spruce Grove to see if they could find what was wrong. Thankfully they did. Cost $300 to fix but it was worth it. Zender Ford has a great little waiting area for customers. Cafeteria, kids toys and TV. We waited for 2 hours and it was the only last 10 minutes or so that was hard on Jesse. The funniest part was when he looked out of the window and saw the mechanic driving off in our truck. He just screamed; "Man steal truck! Man steal truck!" He was mortified. Sobbing like mad. Poor thing. So funny for everybody else though.
On the knitting front. I took out my Bond Knitting Machine for the first time in 3 years (BJ - Before Jesse). Wanted to see if I could make the Shapely Tank on it. Couldn't figure it out so I began to knit another tank. Well wouldn't you know it - I found the pattern for a Bond version of Shapely Tank in the files for the Bond Knitters Club. I will finish the one that I making and then attempt the Shapely Tank. Luckily I have enough yarn here for both.
Just learnt yesterday that Jesse's birth mom is pregnant again. She blurted it out while we were standing outside the food store last night. Ron and I were floored at the way she said it. She says she keeping it this time. I haven't spoken to her mom yet but my guess is that she is pretty upset too. She has been given every chance to turn her life around - but she kept partying, kept loosing her jobs because she could get up in the morning etc etc. Now she says she is moving to Edmonton (on Canada day she told us she was saving up to go the Thailand!!!!!). I am just worried sick about what will happen to her. She just doesn't have the mental ability to look after herself down there. And what of the baby??? Her reality doesn't seem to be anything like the "real' world. I can see the baby being taken into care in Edmonton. At least if she gets into trouble up here, there is her family and us to keep an eye open. Knowing that the baby is Jesse's blood brother or sister makes me feel kind of responsible too. Is that weird? I am very concerned about any effect this will have on Jesse in the school etc.
The main reason for the trip was to visit the in-laws. Ron's Mom began raditation treatment the day after we arrived. She seemed to cope well but got very tired a few hours afterwards. I think us being there helped her cope better. But after a few days I wondered if she wasn't trying to stay out of bed just because we were there. Ron agreed. So we left on the Wednesday. It takes us 2 days to get there and 2 to get back -- driving the 12 hours in one day is just too much for Jesse. Looks like we will be heading south again soon...we haven't really had a vacation this year yet so we will either go to Barkerville or maybe Slave Lake, AB. The beach at the Slave Lake would be perfect for Jesse and perhaps the in-laws could drive up with their 5th wheel and meet us there. FIL often goes there to fish anyway.
We had our new (2nd hand) 5th wheel hitched behind us for the first time on this trip. The truck misfired every time we hit a hill. For those that have travelled between Valleyview and Edmonton, you know there are LOTs of hills. It was over 30c too. Plus Jesse wanted to stop and pee about every 5 minutes. Needles to say, the trip down wasn't great. The air conditioner was a godsend as was the microwave. Pure luxury after our little truck camper.
We took the truck into a dealer in Spruce Grove to see if they could find what was wrong. Thankfully they did. Cost $300 to fix but it was worth it. Zender Ford has a great little waiting area for customers. Cafeteria, kids toys and TV. We waited for 2 hours and it was the only last 10 minutes or so that was hard on Jesse. The funniest part was when he looked out of the window and saw the mechanic driving off in our truck. He just screamed; "Man steal truck! Man steal truck!" He was mortified. Sobbing like mad. Poor thing. So funny for everybody else though.
On the knitting front. I took out my Bond Knitting Machine for the first time in 3 years (BJ - Before Jesse). Wanted to see if I could make the Shapely Tank on it. Couldn't figure it out so I began to knit another tank. Well wouldn't you know it - I found the pattern for a Bond version of Shapely Tank in the files for the Bond Knitters Club. I will finish the one that I making and then attempt the Shapely Tank. Luckily I have enough yarn here for both.
Just learnt yesterday that Jesse's birth mom is pregnant again. She blurted it out while we were standing outside the food store last night. Ron and I were floored at the way she said it. She says she keeping it this time. I haven't spoken to her mom yet but my guess is that she is pretty upset too. She has been given every chance to turn her life around - but she kept partying, kept loosing her jobs because she could get up in the morning etc etc. Now she says she is moving to Edmonton (on Canada day she told us she was saving up to go the Thailand!!!!!). I am just worried sick about what will happen to her. She just doesn't have the mental ability to look after herself down there. And what of the baby??? Her reality doesn't seem to be anything like the "real' world. I can see the baby being taken into care in Edmonton. At least if she gets into trouble up here, there is her family and us to keep an eye open. Knowing that the baby is Jesse's blood brother or sister makes me feel kind of responsible too. Is that weird? I am very concerned about any effect this will have on Jesse in the school etc.
Thursday, July 15, 2004
Been doing a little of the Georgina cardigan each day. It is too warm and smoky to feel like knitting much. But I know realise that I am going to run out yarn. And Elann doesn't stock it any longer. And the wholesale that I thought I could get some from also doesn't stock it any longer. SOOOOOOOO if anybody has, or knows where I can get, 3 balls of Schoeller Stahl Bandolino Colour#727 (Aubergine Oops forgot the North American word - colour is Eggplant), please let me know here. (Remove the obvious before emailing)
Hot and smoky here. Only one downpour of rain in about two months. The grass has forgotten what colour green is!!!!! I seem to be plagued by headaches which I think are heat related.
Ron's Mom starts radiation treatment next week. Ironic that she quit smoking 3 years ago and now has lung cancer. I hope it is not too advanced. Don't think she asks many questions when she sees the doc so I we don't know much either.
Hot and smoky here. Only one downpour of rain in about two months. The grass has forgotten what colour green is!!!!! I seem to be plagued by headaches which I think are heat related.
Ron's Mom starts radiation treatment next week. Ironic that she quit smoking 3 years ago and now has lung cancer. I hope it is not too advanced. Don't think she asks many questions when she sees the doc so I we don't know much either.
Monday, July 05, 2004
Saturday, July 03, 2004
Monday, June 21, 2004
For Jonah
Words can never express how sad we are.
Your life was cut so short.
We are going to miss you so very much.
Jonah passed away on Friday night. He was just 16 years old. He was the lively smiling face boy who delivered our local newspaper. He never complained about anything. He delivered the papers no matter if it was -40c or +40c. He played with Jesse. He chatted about Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne. He was a wonderful person. A few months ago he told us that he didn't feel too good. We both thought it was unusual as Jonah was never sick. That was the last time we saw him. We found our he had been diagnosed with cancer. That cancer took his life.
God bless you Jonah
In Memory...
No one told me the way I should feel
You left an aching heart
Lost and lonely, the feeling goes on
You were the one friend I had
You gave me so much love
Now the tears remind me you're gone
It still haunts me there's a silence
Where you used to be
It still haunts me
Just an empty space in history
It still haunts me
But life must go on, on and on
It's still haunting me
It's still haunting me
Haunting me
Haunting me
Black Sabbath - Lyrics by Anthony Iommi
Words can never express how sad we are.
Your life was cut so short.
We are going to miss you so very much.
Jonah passed away on Friday night. He was just 16 years old. He was the lively smiling face boy who delivered our local newspaper. He never complained about anything. He delivered the papers no matter if it was -40c or +40c. He played with Jesse. He chatted about Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne. He was a wonderful person. A few months ago he told us that he didn't feel too good. We both thought it was unusual as Jonah was never sick. That was the last time we saw him. We found our he had been diagnosed with cancer. That cancer took his life.
God bless you Jonah
In Memory...
No one told me the way I should feel
You left an aching heart
Lost and lonely, the feeling goes on
You were the one friend I had
You gave me so much love
Now the tears remind me you're gone
It still haunts me there's a silence
Where you used to be
It still haunts me
Just an empty space in history
It still haunts me
But life must go on, on and on
It's still haunting me
It's still haunting me
Haunting me
Haunting me
Black Sabbath - Lyrics by Anthony Iommi
Sunday, June 06, 2004
I am getting a beading bug. Been a long time since I beaded. I noticed that Growing Together has beading classes starting next week. Growing Together is a place two block away that has programs for families and their kids. They have cookery classes, play mornings, toy lending library and such. I taught myself to bead about 7 years ago but I would love to learn properly. It is also a good excuse to leave Jesse with his Dad so that I can take a break for a couple of hours....It is so rare that I do that.
Anyway, has anybody seen any online instructions for making beaded stitch markers? I found this site with ring style Beaded Stitch Markers but I am looking for instructions for making ones like drop earrings.
We thought summer had arrived. Yesterday - Sunny, warm and around 22c. Today - freezing fog and 2c this morning. And guess who planted her bedding plants yesterday. Silly ME!
Anyway, has anybody seen any online instructions for making beaded stitch markers? I found this site with ring style Beaded Stitch Markers but I am looking for instructions for making ones like drop earrings.
We thought summer had arrived. Yesterday - Sunny, warm and around 22c. Today - freezing fog and 2c this morning. And guess who planted her bedding plants yesterday. Silly ME!
Thursday, June 03, 2004
Oops. Has it been that long since I blogged?
Things have been rather busy around here.
Firstly the guy that bought the lot opposite has put it for permission to have it re-zoned. We hear he wants to put a 12-plex on the land. The land used to house a lovely old buidling that once was the baptist church. Then it was occupied by the Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre until they moved to a new location. Used to be wonderful when they had any special occasion and we could hear fiddling and drumming without having to leave our yard. Anyway, we have all signed a petition and will be at the Town Hall on Monday. Ron and I have done most of the leg work. Fingers crossed for us.
Then I re-vamped Karp Styles. Just new logo menus. "Just" she said. It took days. Wanted to install a new shopping cart but I can't find one that suits my requirements.
Last night we went to enroll Jesse in Playschool. He starts next Septemeber. The school is quite new and has great facilities. As soon as we go there he took off on his own. For 40 minutes he seemed to totally forget us. I think he will do great there. They even have computers. Jesse loves to come and help Mommy work so you never know, he might be the one printing out invoices soon LOL.
Things have been rather busy around here.
Firstly the guy that bought the lot opposite has put it for permission to have it re-zoned. We hear he wants to put a 12-plex on the land. The land used to house a lovely old buidling that once was the baptist church. Then it was occupied by the Soaring Eagle Friendship Centre until they moved to a new location. Used to be wonderful when they had any special occasion and we could hear fiddling and drumming without having to leave our yard. Anyway, we have all signed a petition and will be at the Town Hall on Monday. Ron and I have done most of the leg work. Fingers crossed for us.
Then I re-vamped Karp Styles. Just new logo menus. "Just" she said. It took days. Wanted to install a new shopping cart but I can't find one that suits my requirements.
Last night we went to enroll Jesse in Playschool. He starts next Septemeber. The school is quite new and has great facilities. As soon as we go there he took off on his own. For 40 minutes he seemed to totally forget us. I think he will do great there. They even have computers. Jesse loves to come and help Mommy work so you never know, he might be the one printing out invoices soon LOL.
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
Sunday, May 23, 2004
On the knitting front - I have just finished the back of Georgina and cast on for the left front. I think this cardigan might become a fave of mine. It sure looks pretty so far.
The past week has not been fun at all...AT ALL!
Jesse had a bad cough the previous week. Daddy went to Inuvik on Monday. Monday afternoon, I took Jesse to Tree House (a kids play/craft group). One girl had a runny nose.... I didn't think much of it as Jesse probably had the same bug. Next morning we went to Tumbling Toddlers. Fisheries and Oceans Canada had a young guy visit to give the kids a little show about pond life. He bought bugs - Jesse was mesmerized. He and another boy called Brad were laying on their tummies glued to the bowl of water with the bugs. Jesse has never been so still or quiet. But Brad had a runny nose. Meg, Jesse's girlfriend, also had a runny nose. On Wednesday Jesse got sicker again. Luckily Daddy came home Thursday evening. This weekend he has been really bad. Poor kid has been running a high fever and was a bit delirious at one stage. He wasn't too bad this morning but, after his afternoon nap, he was burning up again. Daddy gave him a tepid shower and Mommy gave Tylenol. If he isn't better tomorrow, we will call the nursing desk at the hospital for advice. He has been ill too long. Poor kid's nose is bleeding often as well. Mommy hasn't slept much for nearly two weeks now.
Then we heard that Ron's Mom has been ill since around Xmas. She had back pain when she was here but she said it was due to the long journey...very likely. Seems she hid how bad she felt when we all met up at Easter. Now we learn that she has a spot on her lung. We are worried out of our minds. She quit smoking around the time Jesse was born. I always thought that she quit because of him but now I wonder if she already knew something. Ron thinks the same. Please send good thoughts and vibes her way.
Happily the Northwest Territories has banned smoking in any restaurants, bars or pubs now. Maybe that might stop at least one person dying of lung caner. Basically you can't smoke in any workplace at all...and that includes where waiters and waitresses work. Well done NWT!!!! Hay River had already banned smoking in restaurants. As an ex smoker - I am really happy about this. I cannot tolerate the stench of smoke at all now. It has stopped me going to Christmas parties at Ron's work etc.
The past week has not been fun at all...AT ALL!
Jesse had a bad cough the previous week. Daddy went to Inuvik on Monday. Monday afternoon, I took Jesse to Tree House (a kids play/craft group). One girl had a runny nose.... I didn't think much of it as Jesse probably had the same bug. Next morning we went to Tumbling Toddlers. Fisheries and Oceans Canada had a young guy visit to give the kids a little show about pond life. He bought bugs - Jesse was mesmerized. He and another boy called Brad were laying on their tummies glued to the bowl of water with the bugs. Jesse has never been so still or quiet. But Brad had a runny nose. Meg, Jesse's girlfriend, also had a runny nose. On Wednesday Jesse got sicker again. Luckily Daddy came home Thursday evening. This weekend he has been really bad. Poor kid has been running a high fever and was a bit delirious at one stage. He wasn't too bad this morning but, after his afternoon nap, he was burning up again. Daddy gave him a tepid shower and Mommy gave Tylenol. If he isn't better tomorrow, we will call the nursing desk at the hospital for advice. He has been ill too long. Poor kid's nose is bleeding often as well. Mommy hasn't slept much for nearly two weeks now.
Then we heard that Ron's Mom has been ill since around Xmas. She had back pain when she was here but she said it was due to the long journey...very likely. Seems she hid how bad she felt when we all met up at Easter. Now we learn that she has a spot on her lung. We are worried out of our minds. She quit smoking around the time Jesse was born. I always thought that she quit because of him but now I wonder if she already knew something. Ron thinks the same. Please send good thoughts and vibes her way.
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
American Idol - what a joke
The program totally lost any credability tonight. It is pretty clear that votes are being rigged. But that doesn't totally surprise me. You could set a computer up with a script to dial in over and over again. Imagine what fun hackers can reap on the voting. If they allow more than one call per # then it can be rigged easily.
I didn't like La Toya's attitude too much but she is a GREAT singer. She seemed a tad toooooooo confident. Watch now -- Fantasia will get thrown out next.
I feel pissed off!
Georgina is working up nicely. I love how it looks so far. I am about to decrease for the armholes on the back. Not had too much knitting time this week as work has been busy. Jesse is under the weather again too. Was up all night as he had a bad cough. Poor baby!
The colour of the yarn is very hard to get on camera. Sorry, I didn't feel like going outside as it is still around freezing. But you can get the idea at least.
The program totally lost any credability tonight. It is pretty clear that votes are being rigged. But that doesn't totally surprise me. You could set a computer up with a script to dial in over and over again. Imagine what fun hackers can reap on the voting. If they allow more than one call per # then it can be rigged easily.
I didn't like La Toya's attitude too much but she is a GREAT singer. She seemed a tad toooooooo confident. Watch now -- Fantasia will get thrown out next.
I feel pissed off!
Georgina is working up nicely. I love how it looks so far. I am about to decrease for the armholes on the back. Not had too much knitting time this week as work has been busy. Jesse is under the weather again too. Was up all night as he had a bad cough. Poor baby!
The colour of the yarn is very hard to get on camera. Sorry, I didn't feel like going outside as it is still around freezing. But you can get the idea at least.
Friday, May 07, 2004
My Shapely Tank
Yarn: Sonata
Pattern: White Lies Designs

Squashed my index finger of my rh between a wooden box and a wall unit last night. OWIE! Have a lovely black nail and my finger has throbbed ever since. Don't think it is life threatening though :-)
Jesse trouble of the day - knocked over Mommy's plants whilst Mommey was showering. Guess I really can't shower any more eh?
Yarn: Sonata
Pattern: White Lies Designs
Squashed my index finger of my rh between a wooden box and a wall unit last night. OWIE! Have a lovely black nail and my finger has throbbed ever since. Don't think it is life threatening though :-)
Jesse trouble of the day - knocked over Mommy's plants whilst Mommey was showering. Guess I really can't shower any more eh?
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Shapely Tank is finished. It is GR8! I really do like a lot. Will probably make more.
The neck and armholes were too loose. Typical - I actually made a point of casting off looser than normal as I often do it too tight. So I frogged the casting off and re-knitted.
Will post pics as soon as I can.
Now onto my next project. Paula found this pattern for me. Thank you!
It is Georgina by Kirstin Cowan
Yarn is Schoeller Stahl Bandolino (sp?) in purple.
If anybody wants to do a knit-along, let me know.
My dear sweet innocent son (ha ha) managed to get into a cupboard that he can't normally reach today. He found white glue, glitter, crepe paper and a brush. I was in the shower for 5 minutes and Jesse was creating a work of art. The mess was not fun. Now I know he can reach this cupboard I have moved everything. I can't put a childproof lock on it so moving things is my only option. He can open cupboards with most childproof locks anyway. Kids are more clever than the folks that make these things!!!!!!
The neck and armholes were too loose. Typical - I actually made a point of casting off looser than normal as I often do it too tight. So I frogged the casting off and re-knitted.
Will post pics as soon as I can.
Now onto my next project. Paula found this pattern for me. Thank you!
It is Georgina by Kirstin Cowan
Yarn is Schoeller Stahl Bandolino (sp?) in purple.
If anybody wants to do a knit-along, let me know.
My dear sweet innocent son (ha ha) managed to get into a cupboard that he can't normally reach today. He found white glue, glitter, crepe paper and a brush. I was in the shower for 5 minutes and Jesse was creating a work of art. The mess was not fun. Now I know he can reach this cupboard I have moved everything. I can't put a childproof lock on it so moving things is my only option. He can open cupboards with most childproof locks anyway. Kids are more clever than the folks that make these things!!!!!!
Saturday, May 01, 2004
Happy Birthday to Me.........
Can't belive that I am 47 already. Where have all those years gone? Mommy to a toddler and 47!!!!!! Perhaps that is why I am always tired. But I am always smiling too. He gives us so much joy.
Jesse sang Happy Birthday to me this morning. It was extremely moving to see a 34 month old singing so sweetly. He and his daddy woke me with coffee in bed. They were both wearing party hats. Jesse seems to know that you wear hats and have balloons at it was his idea.
The Hay River is breaking up today. It had broken at the falls (see photo below for that the falls looked like last weekend) but it hasn't broken near our home. No fear of flooding this year. The weather melted lots of the ice before the break happened.

Alexandra Falls
Can't belive that I am 47 already. Where have all those years gone? Mommy to a toddler and 47!!!!!! Perhaps that is why I am always tired. But I am always smiling too. He gives us so much joy.
Jesse sang Happy Birthday to me this morning. It was extremely moving to see a 34 month old singing so sweetly. He and his daddy woke me with coffee in bed. They were both wearing party hats. Jesse seems to know that you wear hats and have balloons at it was his idea.
The Hay River is breaking up today. It had broken at the falls (see photo below for that the falls looked like last weekend) but it hasn't broken near our home. No fear of flooding this year. The weather melted lots of the ice before the break happened.
Alexandra Falls
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Just took this quiz on Quizilla. The result is so funny. I will always be the first to admit that my spelling and grammar suck. Give me Math any day!
But clearly my grammar is good when taking a quiz or test. Just not when writing emails, blog entries or letters. Maybe I don't concentrate enough in those situations. Somebody even wrote me an anonymous email to point out that I wrote "sort after" on my website. DUH Jackie! I know it is "sought" after. Brain on a go slow perhaps.

You are a MASTER of the English language!
While your English is not exactly perfect,
you are still more grammatically correct than
just about every American. Still, there is
always room for improvement...
How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
A few things that bug me are:
"There" car instead of "their" car.
Web "sight" in place of "site".
"To many" where it should be "too many".
"I no" or "I now" for "I know"
Is it time for me to join the Grammar Avengers????
Well done Pinner Grammar School in Pinner, Middlesex, England for actually teaching me something!!!!!!
As far as my knitting progress goes.....
Have now finished the front of Shapely Tank. I think it will fit like a glove. Perhaps I need to do a few more laps of the block to loose a pound or two. Really like how the tank is turning out and feel really enthusiastic about it. I have some solid purple DK yarn and would like to make a little cardigan to go over the top. Something similar to Sitcom Chic. Anybody know of a nice pattern that I could use?
DH is off on a business trip for two days. I really miss the couple of hours break from the whirlwind two (nearly 3) year old. So if you don't hear from me, I am lying on the floor somewhere, totally exhausted .
But clearly my grammar is good when taking a quiz or test. Just not when writing emails, blog entries or letters. Maybe I don't concentrate enough in those situations. Somebody even wrote me an anonymous email to point out that I wrote "sort after" on my website. DUH Jackie! I know it is "sought" after. Brain on a go slow perhaps.
You are a MASTER of the English language!
While your English is not exactly perfect,
you are still more grammatically correct than
just about every American. Still, there is
always room for improvement...
How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
A few things that bug me are:
"There" car instead of "their" car.
Web "sight" in place of "site".
"To many" where it should be "too many".
"I no" or "I now" for "I know"
Is it time for me to join the Grammar Avengers????
Well done Pinner Grammar School in Pinner, Middlesex, England for actually teaching me something!!!!!!
As far as my knitting progress goes.....
Have now finished the front of Shapely Tank. I think it will fit like a glove. Perhaps I need to do a few more laps of the block to loose a pound or two. Really like how the tank is turning out and feel really enthusiastic about it. I have some solid purple DK yarn and would like to make a little cardigan to go over the top. Something similar to Sitcom Chic. Anybody know of a nice pattern that I could use?
DH is off on a business trip for two days. I really miss the couple of hours break from the whirlwind two (nearly 3) year old. So if you don't hear from me, I am lying on the floor somewhere, totally exhausted .
Friday, April 23, 2004
What a gray day! It doesn't rain *that* often here - well not anywhere near as much as it does in England (my homeland). But it has rained all day. The back yard is flooded as the rain is making the rest of the snow melt very fast. We are actually trying to pump the back yard water into the ditch in the front yard. From there it will eventually flow into the river which is about 100 yards away (and still frozen). Look out for river break up pics as soon as it happens. Hopefully no floods in the town this year.
Making slow progress with Shapely Tank. I just haven't really had enough knitting time lately.
Here is an "in progress" shot. This is the front - I always use circs even if I don't knit it in the round.
The rug is actually silver - the purple of the yarn isn't showing too well either.

The pattern states to knit 13 inches before the short rows for bust shaping. As I am short-waisted, I think I will do 12 inches instead. I don't want it to be too long and for the waist shaping to be near my hips!!
Making slow progress with Shapely Tank. I just haven't really had enough knitting time lately.
Here is an "in progress" shot. This is the front - I always use circs even if I don't knit it in the round.
The rug is actually silver - the purple of the yarn isn't showing too well either.
The pattern states to knit 13 inches before the short rows for bust shaping. As I am short-waisted, I think I will do 12 inches instead. I don't want it to be too long and for the waist shaping to be near my hips!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
So who are the people with no ear for music that keep voting for John Stevens and helped Jennifer get voted off. DUH!
Sorry but it sure seems as if that program is rigged.
VENT over.
The Shapely Tank is coming along nicely. I really love this Sonata yarn. It is a dream to knit with.
Will try to post a pic tomorrow.....when I have stopped steaming about Idol.
Sorry but it sure seems as if that program is rigged.
The Shapely Tank is coming along nicely. I really love this Sonata yarn. It is a dream to knit with.
Will try to post a pic tomorrow.....when I have stopped steaming about Idol.
Monday, April 19, 2004
Decided to join the Shapely Tank Knitalong

I have been looking at that pattern for ages and really liked it. Theresa knitted it in the round so I have to decide if I follow her or stick to the pattern.
The yarn I will use in Sonata in a purple variegated. It is not shown on the Elann site in this colour any longer. Sure hope I will have enough....
We have all been sick with bad colds for about a week now. This really is the worst cold that I have ever had. Sort of feel as if I have cotton wool in my head. Seems as if half of Canada has the same cold.
I have been looking at that pattern for ages and really liked it. Theresa knitted it in the round so I have to decide if I follow her or stick to the pattern.
The yarn I will use in Sonata in a purple variegated. It is not shown on the Elann site in this colour any longer. Sure hope I will have enough....
We have all been sick with bad colds for about a week now. This really is the worst cold that I have ever had. Sort of feel as if I have cotton wool in my head. Seems as if half of Canada has the same cold.
Sunday, April 18, 2004
One of my most favorite shows ever ended recently. We got to see the last one a couple of weeks ago in Canada. Saw this quiz on Brenda's blog and thought I would take it.
You Are Most Like Carrie! You're quirky, flirty, and every guy's perfect first date. But can the guy in question live up to your romantic ideal? It's tough for you to find the right match - you're more than a little picky. Never fear... You've got a great group of friends and a great closet of clothes, no matter what! Romantic prediction: You'll fall for someone this year... Totally different from any guy you've dated. Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You Most Like? Take This Quiz Right Now! Find the Love of Your Life (and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance. |
Thursday, April 15, 2004
We made the long drive to Grande Prairie, AB for the long Easter weekend. It takes about 8 hours to drive there. Ron's parents drove over from near Barrhead to meet up with us. We shopped till we dropped on Saturday. Spent Sunday with the in-laws. Jesse was having such fun with grandpa. He doesn't get to see them nearly enough. But Sunday night things got BAD. Jesse got a fever and was crying and not sleeping. I was up all night. Around 6am he threw up in the bed (we were in a motel so this was NOT good). By 7am, we gave up trying to sleep and decided to head home. No breakfast with Ron's parents and a really abrupt goodbye. We stopped to grab coffee and gravol. Luckily Jesse only got ill once on the way home and he managed to warn us this time. It was a long drive on no sleep though.
Next day I woke with a sore throat and Jesse was sneezing. Now we both have really heavy colds.
So much for having a fun weekend eh? At least we had one good day with Ron's ma and pa.
Next day I woke with a sore throat and Jesse was sneezing. Now we both have really heavy colds.
So much for having a fun weekend eh? At least we had one good day with Ron's ma and pa.
Friday, April 02, 2004
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Spring has Sprung!!!! In Hay River that means you spend hours diverting the water that is trying to head for the basement. We had about 3 feet of snow around the house and the melt happened really fast this year. Yesterday I spent hours clearing snow from near the back walls and emptying garbage cans full of water. The eves-troughs were overflowing at one section and it was all heading towards the house. I grabbed the garbage cans to collect the water. Jesse thought it was all such fun though. He was soaked when I finally got him to come in.
Today the driveway melted and that began to come in near the basement windows. So I was syphoning water from that area all afternoon. The snow on the grass is now so soft that Jesse keeps loosing his boots. Soon it will just be under water - then what do you do with an energetic 2 year old????
You should see the ice crossing on the river. It must be 2 feet of muddy water. But everybody is still driving back and forth to the reserve. I won't be taking my shiny van across any more until it freezes again next winter. A couple of years ago a truck went through the ice. That was the most exciting thing to happen here in years
Finished Meg's little crocheted dress. It sure looks cute. I think it is too big for her but she will soon grow into it.
Hope to get a pic of her wearing it as soon as I can.
Still knitting a few rows per night on my dishcloth for Brenda's Dishcloth-Along . I find cotton hard to knit with...wears my poor wrists out too quickly. (And all this snow moving has just added to that - plus blisters). I guess I am about halfway along now.
Here is the progress photo.
Today the driveway melted and that began to come in near the basement windows. So I was syphoning water from that area all afternoon. The snow on the grass is now so soft that Jesse keeps loosing his boots. Soon it will just be under water - then what do you do with an energetic 2 year old????
You should see the ice crossing on the river. It must be 2 feet of muddy water. But everybody is still driving back and forth to the reserve. I won't be taking my shiny van across any more until it freezes again next winter. A couple of years ago a truck went through the ice. That was the most exciting thing to happen here in years
Finished Meg's little crocheted dress. It sure looks cute. I think it is too big for her but she will soon grow into it.
Still knitting a few rows per night on my dishcloth for Brenda's Dishcloth-Along . I find cotton hard to knit with...wears my poor wrists out too quickly. (And all this snow moving has just added to that - plus blisters). I guess I am about halfway along now.
Here is the progress photo.
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Hold it All Handbag is finished and felted. And just as I was trying to shape it as it was drying, I noticed an error. Falls on her knees in complete sadness
I clearly started the strap in the wrong place so it doesn't match on both sides. Can't believe I messed up so badly. All I can say is that I was probably more worried about running out of yarn (which I did) than paying enough attention to my work. DUH DUH DUH!!!!!!!! The bag is useable or carrying Jesse's spare pull-ups and stuff and probably I am the only one who will ever notice that it isn't symmetrical but......
Oh well! Now I guess I need to make another bag and try doing it correctly this time.
Thought spring was finally arriving this weekend and then back came the -25c and snow. It is windy out too so the windchill must be bad. Poor Jesse just wants to go outside and play but it is too cold.
Been working on the taxes. It is a lot of stress as I do the books for my business and DH's taxes too. Hopefully we can Netfile them tonight and then I can do the GST return tomorrow. After that, perhaps I can take a break from stressing myself SOOOOO much. My name is Jackie and I am a work-aholic. And working from home means that I often find reasons to come in the office and work when I could be relaxing. Crazy!
Hold it All Handbag is finished and felted. And just as I was trying to shape it as it was drying, I noticed an error. Falls on her knees in complete sadness
Oh well! Now I guess I need to make another bag and try doing it correctly this time.
Thought spring was finally arriving this weekend and then back came the -25c and snow. It is windy out too so the windchill must be bad. Poor Jesse just wants to go outside and play but it is too cold.
Been working on the taxes. It is a lot of stress as I do the books for my business and DH's taxes too. Hopefully we can Netfile them tonight and then I can do the GST return tomorrow. After that, perhaps I can take a break from stressing myself SOOOOO much. My name is Jackie and I am a work-aholic. And working from home means that I often find reasons to come in the office and work when I could be relaxing. Crazy!
Thursday, March 18, 2004
At last the White Buffalo yarn arrived so I can finally finish the Hold It All Handbag. It has been bugging me that I was so close to the end.
Also started knitting a dishcloth for the Dishcloth-Along. I decided (though God know why) to use straight needles. Managed to knit two rows and my arms were really aching. Now I remember why I much prefer to use circulars for any work - not just knitting in the round.
The pattern that I am using comes from this book. Nifty Knit Dishcloths The design I chose is the beige one in the bottom row.
Also started knitting a dishcloth for the Dishcloth-Along. I decided (though God know why) to use straight needles. Managed to knit two rows and my arms were really aching. Now I remember why I much prefer to use circulars for any work - not just knitting in the round.
The pattern that I am using comes from this book. Nifty Knit Dishcloths The design I chose is the beige one in the bottom row.
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Just got home from watching the local skating club ice show. It was the best that I have seen yet. Watching all these tiny tots wobble about on the ice just brings me to tears. Heaven help me when Jesse starts skating next winter. I will be the blubbering mom in the bleachers. Some of the skating was quite impressive for a little town of only about 3500. The new coach that was hired in 2002 really seems to have improved the abilities of the skaters in all age groups.
But the highlight of the evening had to be McKenzie Pederson. She is a grade 8 student from Okotoks, AB who came up to do a show as guest skater. If I am not mistaken, she is heading for great things. What amazing talent! She has poise and charm of a skater much older. I can't find a photo of her online but I did find an article about her. Read it here. If any of you are skating fans, remember her name. I think she will be a top ranked skater in Canada before too long.
But the highlight of the evening had to be McKenzie Pederson. She is a grade 8 student from Okotoks, AB who came up to do a show as guest skater. If I am not mistaken, she is heading for great things. What amazing talent! She has poise and charm of a skater much older. I can't find a photo of her online but I did find an article about her. Read it here. If any of you are skating fans, remember her name. I think she will be a top ranked skater in Canada before too long.
Monday, March 08, 2004
Finally took a picture of the little dress that I was crocheting for Meg before I hurt my wrist. Still have a few inches to go on the skirt.
Going to try to do a little crocheting this evening...will try not to use the left hand much. Really good that it was my left hand and not the other one.
Can't stop Hubby from driving since we got the van. We are getting to the point where we just might start arguing about who drives LOL. Everybody looks at it when we are out. It does really stand out, especially when the sun is shining.
Pattern is American School of Needlework's Crochet Summer Sweeties
Going to try to do a little crocheting this evening...will try not to use the left hand much. Really good that it was my left hand and not the other one.
Can't stop Hubby from driving since we got the van. We are getting to the point where we just might start arguing about who drives LOL. Everybody looks at it when we are out. It does really stand out, especially when the sun is shining.
Thursday, March 04, 2004
Here is a better pic of the new van complete with just about the worst photo of me. Talk about toothy grin!!!!
Photo was taken at DH's workplace hence all the telephone cable reels in the background. But check out that blue sky! It is about -25c but so sunny. Love days like this!
So long as I don't do much, I can use my wrist again. It gets sore fast if I overdo it. No knitting yet.
Photo was taken at DH's workplace hence all the telephone cable reels in the background. But check out that blue sky! It is about -25c but so sunny. Love days like this!
So long as I don't do much, I can use my wrist again. It gets sore fast if I overdo it. No knitting yet.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Well I have officially become a "frump ordinary family person". That is what my neighbour said anyway. We bought a Ford Windstar van today. Had spent 3 sleepless nights trying to make up our minds. Test drove 2 . Last weekend we tested the following for 2 days - a 2000 Ford Windstar SEL NWT Diamond Limited edition (NWT being Northwest Territories which is where we live and Diamond most likely is some celebration of the diamond finds up here over the past years). Last night we had a 2002 Ford Windstar Sport. The latter was driven by Hubby who wouldn't comment. Then I drove it a bit. It just didn't seem such a nice ride as the 2000 model. It bounced from side to side more. The engine was noisier too. Hubby then commented. He thought exactly the same as me.
Jesse loved the first van. He kept saying "Back! Van!" every time we went anywhere near the sales lot. He is a totally different child in a van than when he is in the truck. Just that alone was a huge selling point for us.
So now I am a frump. I never would have guess that I would have ever owned a van. Felt they were boring. I always drove the fast sporty type cars in England. Here I drove a F150 truck here which I felt drove me, instead of me driving it. HATE rear wheel drives. That truck was traded in for the van. Now I am back driving a front wheel drive. And this has so many bells and whistles including and power opening passenger door...and that really caught Jesse's attention.
Here is a bad pic of it at the showroom. Will try to take some good ones soon. It has chrome along the side which looks just awesome.
Jesse loved the first van. He kept saying "Back! Van!" every time we went anywhere near the sales lot. He is a totally different child in a van than when he is in the truck. Just that alone was a huge selling point for us.
So now I am a frump. I never would have guess that I would have ever owned a van. Felt they were boring. I always drove the fast sporty type cars in England. Here I drove a F150 truck here which I felt drove me, instead of me driving it. HATE rear wheel drives. That truck was traded in for the van. Now I am back driving a front wheel drive. And this has so many bells and whistles including and power opening passenger door...and that really caught Jesse's attention.
Here is a bad pic of it at the showroom. Will try to take some good ones soon. It has chrome along the side which looks just awesome.
Friday, February 27, 2004
Thanks for all the concern over my wrist/arm. It isn't broken (huge sigh of relief). 
It seems I have trapped a nerve and also sprained the wrist. The doc did a bit of manipulating which seemed to help a bit immediately. Right now it is strapped up and I am trying not to use it at all. Ha Ha.Ever tried to not use an arm when you have a two year old whirlwind son?? It is impossible. But I am not typing with it and Ron is helping me with my business as much as he can. Unfortunately I also acquired a really sore throat and fever this week.
Back in Oct, 2003, I sent in my paperwork to get a Permanent Residents Permit. I am a Landed Immigrant already but after 911, Canada changed its rules. So I paid my $50 and sent in a mass of paperwork all correctly witnessed. I know they take forever but this was getting silly. If I had to rush back to England, I would not be able to get back into Canada as it stands now. So I checked the status on the website. The card was approved Jan 5, 2004. I would get a letter to collect it within 4 weeks. Now nearly 8 weeks has passed and no letter. Found a 1 800 to call. Spent 4 days trying to get through. Finally got through this morning and tried to talk with a toddler shouting at me. Well I wasn't going to call back when it took 4 days already!!!!!! She said the card was in the local office. "And where is that?" I enquired - knowing full well there is no office in Hay River. "Edmonton" was the reply. TOO FUNNY!!! As if I would drive for 12 hours to collect it. Not paying $600 to fly down either. So now I have to see why Edmonton has the card and not Yellowknife. It seems the RCMP in Hay River have given some cards to other immigrants. I wonder why mine went to Alberta.... I just HATE all this hassle. It is like this every time I try to do anything connected with a bank or government office. Grrrrrrr.
And that took forever to type with one hand!!
Here is a pic of the love of my life - Jesse
It seems I have trapped a nerve and also sprained the wrist. The doc did a bit of manipulating which seemed to help a bit immediately. Right now it is strapped up and I am trying not to use it at all. Ha Ha.Ever tried to not use an arm when you have a two year old whirlwind son?? It is impossible. But I am not typing with it and Ron is helping me with my business as much as he can. Unfortunately I also acquired a really sore throat and fever this week.
Back in Oct, 2003, I sent in my paperwork to get a Permanent Residents Permit. I am a Landed Immigrant already but after 911, Canada changed its rules. So I paid my $50 and sent in a mass of paperwork all correctly witnessed. I know they take forever but this was getting silly. If I had to rush back to England, I would not be able to get back into Canada as it stands now. So I checked the status on the website. The card was approved Jan 5, 2004. I would get a letter to collect it within 4 weeks. Now nearly 8 weeks has passed and no letter. Found a 1 800 to call. Spent 4 days trying to get through. Finally got through this morning and tried to talk with a toddler shouting at me. Well I wasn't going to call back when it took 4 days already!!!!!! She said the card was in the local office. "And where is that?" I enquired - knowing full well there is no office in Hay River. "Edmonton" was the reply. TOO FUNNY!!! As if I would drive for 12 hours to collect it. Not paying $600 to fly down either. So now I have to see why Edmonton has the card and not Yellowknife. It seems the RCMP in Hay River have given some cards to other immigrants. I wonder why mine went to Alberta.... I just HATE all this hassle. It is like this every time I try to do anything connected with a bank or government office. Grrrrrrr.
And that took forever to type with one hand!!
Here is a pic of the love of my life - Jesse
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Oh the pain.
Fell over one of Jesse's toys in a dark room and crashed down on a wooden captain's chair. My left arm and boob took most of the fall. Amazed I didn't bounce right back when my boob hit :-))
My arm and wrist hurt but eased up the next day. Well today I stretched my arms above my head and something gave in my wrist. And it hurts so bad. I can only type with my right hand. Can't knit, can't crochet, can barely work. Hubby has to come and cut boxes for me and pull tape off rolls. The pain just shoots up my arm. I have a wrist support on and will take some painkillers too. Then I guess just rest it and pray.
Dear Brooks has allowed me to sell another one of her designs. The Shire Scarf modelled by her other half.
Check it out!
Saw this on Terri's blog. Terri showed the US states that she has visited.
Well here is my version - the countries that I have been too. Remember that I live in Canada, come from England and spent 8 years in Sweden too.
Listed - England, Belgium, Germany, Luxmebourg, Netherlands, France, Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Austria and 2 states in the USA (Idaho and Montana) and of course Canada.

create your own visited country map
or write about it on the open travel guide
Fell over one of Jesse's toys in a dark room and crashed down on a wooden captain's chair. My left arm and boob took most of the fall. Amazed I didn't bounce right back when my boob hit :-))
My arm and wrist hurt but eased up the next day. Well today I stretched my arms above my head and something gave in my wrist. And it hurts so bad. I can only type with my right hand. Can't knit, can't crochet, can barely work. Hubby has to come and cut boxes for me and pull tape off rolls. The pain just shoots up my arm. I have a wrist support on and will take some painkillers too. Then I guess just rest it and pray.
Dear Brooks has allowed me to sell another one of her designs. The Shire Scarf modelled by her other half.
Check it out!
Saw this on Terri's blog. Terri showed the US states that she has visited.
Well here is my version - the countries that I have been too. Remember that I live in Canada, come from England and spent 8 years in Sweden too.
Listed - England, Belgium, Germany, Luxmebourg, Netherlands, France, Spain, Cyprus, Greece, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Austria and 2 states in the USA (Idaho and Montana) and of course Canada.
create your own visited country map
or write about it on the open travel guide
Friday, February 20, 2004
You are pink aluminum.
Retro, straightforward and fun, you love classic
things. If they're 99 cents at Goodwill all the
better! You are moved by striking colors and
tasty morsels, and you like a stitch-n-bitch
session in the sun. Just remember, while
you're being kitschy cool, don't get too cold.
Ice cubes are best kept in your cocktails,
What kind of knitting needles are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
My yarn to finish Hold It All Handbag STILL hasn't come. I so want to finish that bag. I can't frog it back and make it smaller as the yarn basically falls apart if you so much a pull on it slightly. (White Buffalo yarn).
We were convinced we were all coming down with colds yesterday. Jesse was sneezing, I had a streaming nose and DH was moaning (Men when they feel ill are just the pits!). I got out the Echinacea and gave each of us a dose. Today we are all just fine. No idea if the Echinacea did the trick or if it was just a one day bug.
Thursday, February 12, 2004
One of ThOZe daZe!!
Overslept this morning - think my body was trying to tell me something.
Heard a little voice in Jesse's room whispering, "O Oh, o oh".
Walked in to find a semi naked 2 year old, no diaper and poop EVERYWHERE. About that time I thought I might still be asleep and this was a nightmare. Telephone began to ring. Jesse went to try to help clear poop. Mommy panics. "Can't answer telephone. Must deal with this". Forgot that I was supposed to be going out and it was my ride on the phone. Then the business phone began to ring........ dog pooper scooper in one hand and brain telling me to forget the phone.
Carpet steamer wouldn't work....Jesse's trying to help, didn't help...but you had to give him credit for trying. Telephone rang again....I tried to get there and tripped over the carpet steamer and pulled a muscle in side. It was WRONG number.
I looked at the calender and wondered if it was Friday 13th. Oh no, that is tomorrow. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!
Overslept this morning - think my body was trying to tell me something.
Heard a little voice in Jesse's room whispering, "O Oh, o oh".
Walked in to find a semi naked 2 year old, no diaper and poop EVERYWHERE. About that time I thought I might still be asleep and this was a nightmare. Telephone began to ring. Jesse went to try to help clear poop. Mommy panics. "Can't answer telephone. Must deal with this". Forgot that I was supposed to be going out and it was my ride on the phone. Then the business phone began to ring........ dog pooper scooper in one hand and brain telling me to forget the phone.
Carpet steamer wouldn't work....Jesse's trying to help, didn't help...but you had to give him credit for trying. Telephone rang again....I tried to get there and tripped over the carpet steamer and pulled a muscle in side. It was WRONG number.
I looked at the calender and wondered if it was Friday 13th. Oh no, that is tomorrow. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, February 09, 2004
You are Dishcloth Cotton.
You are a very hard worker, most at home when
you're at home. You are thrifty and seemingly
born to clean. You are considered to be a Plain
Jane, but you are too practical to notice.
What kind of yarn are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
And there was me hoping to be Chenille or Fun Fur LOL!!!!
Still can't finish my bag as the yarn is on back order. Ho hum. Started crocheting a dress for Meg (Jesse's 2 year old best friend). Had to frog once as my gauge was way off. I am so bad at checking first. Slap my wrists!
Feeling tired still but slightly better. Was hoping to get out tomorrow morning. Tumble Tots is on Tuesdays and it is a nice break from the house. Was loads of mums there last week. BUT we have a blizzard outside. It rained this afternoon which is REALLY weird for us at this time of year. Then the snow started and it just got worse and worse.
Thursday, February 05, 2004
No idea what is the matter with me but I am totally worn out. I can barely struggle through the days this week. Maybe it is winter, cold weather, lack of walks or maybe I am just trying to do too much.
My ex neighbour and her little girl took Jesse to the library for the little ones reading, songs and craft time. I had loads of orders to do, laundry and a floor that needed washing. It was the first time that anybody had taken Jesse for me since the day we adopted him. He just waved bye bye and was as happy as anything. Mum, meanwhile, had tears in her eyes watching her little boy go off. I am so soft.
Anyway, I thought that Jesse would be tired this afternoon. When he came back from the library, he had lunch then we walked to the mailbox. Afterwards he wanted to play outside in the snow. He was pushing snow for 45 minutes. But would he nap? Nope!
So is it just 4.20pm and I feel like I will collapse with exhaustion. I can't work out if this is normal or not. I often get tired but not this badly. I am a bit worried.
Anyway, Jesse had finished watching Max and Ruby so I need to fly.
No idea what is the matter with me but I am totally worn out. I can barely struggle through the days this week. Maybe it is winter, cold weather, lack of walks or maybe I am just trying to do too much.
My ex neighbour and her little girl took Jesse to the library for the little ones reading, songs and craft time. I had loads of orders to do, laundry and a floor that needed washing. It was the first time that anybody had taken Jesse for me since the day we adopted him. He just waved bye bye and was as happy as anything. Mum, meanwhile, had tears in her eyes watching her little boy go off. I am so soft.
Anyway, I thought that Jesse would be tired this afternoon. When he came back from the library, he had lunch then we walked to the mailbox. Afterwards he wanted to play outside in the snow. He was pushing snow for 45 minutes. But would he nap? Nope!
So is it just 4.20pm and I feel like I will collapse with exhaustion. I can't work out if this is normal or not. I often get tired but not this badly. I am a bit worried.
Anyway, Jesse had finished watching Max and Ruby so I need to fly.
Monday, February 02, 2004
Almost finished the bag and ran out of yarn. I knew I would. Drat! I have ordered another ball but it will probably be a few days before it arrives. I was so looking forward to felting the bag.
Weather has warmed up to a hot -15c. It really does feel warm compared to the temps that we were getting. I might even go outside (SHOCK, HORROR) and kick a ball around the snow with Jesse. He needs to escape as much as I do.
Weekend was quite nice. Ron took Jesse out on the snowmobile on Saturday and Sunday. Must say I was jealous. We normally squish all 3 of us on. The German Shepherd used to come too but then Jesse took her spot. I need to get my own machine but we never had time to sort one out this winter. It has probably been too cold to have been used much anyway.
Weather has warmed up to a hot -15c. It really does feel warm compared to the temps that we were getting. I might even go outside (SHOCK, HORROR) and kick a ball around the snow with Jesse. He needs to escape as much as I do.
Weekend was quite nice. Ron took Jesse out on the snowmobile on Saturday and Sunday. Must say I was jealous. We normally squish all 3 of us on. The German Shepherd used to come too but then Jesse took her spot. I need to get my own machine but we never had time to sort one out this winter. It has probably been too cold to have been used much anyway.
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
Still bitterly cold up here. But warmer than the -51C that we had on Sunday. I don't think I have ever experienced such cold before. Yes, it gets mighty cold up here each winter but Sunday was the worst!
Hold It All Handbag is coming along nicely. It is a wonderfully straightforward pattern. I really like the way "Two Old Bags" patterns are written. My only worry is that I may run out of wool. It seems be disappearing a wee bit fast than anticipated.
Have a bad headache so I don't think I will be on the puter much longer tonight. This is what I call a "Toddler" headache. He screamed all through supper and never ate a thing. We have nightmares at mealtimes. I am trying to train Daddy to ignore the "Monster" outbursts. I don't know who has least self-control - Jesse or his Dad :-)
Hold It All Handbag is coming along nicely. It is a wonderfully straightforward pattern. I really like the way "Two Old Bags" patterns are written. My only worry is that I may run out of wool. It seems be disappearing a wee bit fast than anticipated.
Have a bad headache so I don't think I will be on the puter much longer tonight. This is what I call a "Toddler" headache. He screamed all through supper and never ate a thing. We have nightmares at mealtimes. I am trying to train Daddy to ignore the "Monster" outbursts. I don't know who has least self-control - Jesse or his Dad :-)
Saturday, January 24, 2004
-31c (-41c with windchill)
My throat is really dry from lack of humidity. Since contracting Whooping Cough a few years back, my throat and chest have never been quite the same. (Was immunized against that as a kid too). For the past two winters, I had to go to Emergency as I got such a dry cough and couldn't catch my breath. I sure don't need that again this year.
Tried to start a sweater with Sirdar Snowflake but I got pretty frustrated. The yarn is dark so I don't think that helped me see the stitches. One row too many sts, next row too few. I frogged. Tried again. Frogged. Maybe when we have more daylight hours I will attempt it again.
I think I might try to make a Two Old Bags purse. Received stock of these patterns last week and have been eyeing up one pattern in particular. The Hold It All Handbag Need to get Hubby to help me wind some wool though...and he keeps finding reasons to do something else. The link goes to my new website - and, if anybody has any problems with the menus taking up nearly the whole screen, can you let me know? It does that on one of our old computers but not on the new ones. I wondered if it was just that puter....sure hope so.
-31c (-41c with windchill)
My throat is really dry from lack of humidity. Since contracting Whooping Cough a few years back, my throat and chest have never been quite the same. (Was immunized against that as a kid too). For the past two winters, I had to go to Emergency as I got such a dry cough and couldn't catch my breath. I sure don't need that again this year.
Tried to start a sweater with Sirdar Snowflake but I got pretty frustrated. The yarn is dark so I don't think that helped me see the stitches. One row too many sts, next row too few. I frogged. Tried again. Frogged. Maybe when we have more daylight hours I will attempt it again.
I think I might try to make a Two Old Bags purse. Received stock of these patterns last week and have been eyeing up one pattern in particular. The Hold It All Handbag Need to get Hubby to help me wind some wool though...and he keeps finding reasons to do something else. The link goes to my new website - and, if anybody has any problems with the menus taking up nearly the whole screen, can you let me know? It does that on one of our old computers but not on the new ones. I wondered if it was just that puter....sure hope so.
Monday, January 12, 2004
Design spurt over. The crocheted dog sweater design that I have been working on is complete. Had a few people pattern test it for me as I am not good at typing up instructions with a 2 year old having a terrible two melt down right next to me.

Itsy (my Shiba Inu dog) is the stunning model. She doesn't exactly need a coat as her fur is so thick. And she wasn't too happy being model either. Her tail should be curled up on back but she holds it down when she is depressed. Poor baby!
For any crocheters reading this, the pattern is available to purchase as a pdf file in the Patterns to Dowload area of my website.
Itsy (my Shiba Inu dog) is the stunning model. She doesn't exactly need a coat as her fur is so thick. And she wasn't too happy being model either. Her tail should be curled up on back but she holds it down when she is depressed. Poor baby!
For any crocheters reading this, the pattern is available to purchase as a pdf file in the Patterns to Dowload area of my website.
Friday, January 09, 2004
At last I remembered to take a photo of my finished Ribby Pullover.
The photo is pretty bad as it was taken at night, with a flash, in a room with bad light. I had hoped to take a better one in the sun and snow this morning but it is cloudy.
The sleeves look really narrow but that is due to the 2x2 rib. It fits well...a bit too well considering the extra pounds I added over the holidays. Oh well - better work that off on the treadmill.

My urge to design something took off again. I have almost finished a crocheted dog sweater design. I thought a crocheted one might be easier to attempt first. Hopefully I can translate the design to knitting eventually.
Finally got my Christmas present working. DH bought me a dishwasher. I had nagged him since I moved here almost 8 years ago. Our kitchen needs remodelling and is not very large (considering how much I like cooking). So we had to buy an extra unit to put it in. Unfortunately the unit didn't arrive until Jan 5. DH has worked every night to install it for me and we finally got it running on Wednesday.
The photo is pretty bad as it was taken at night, with a flash, in a room with bad light. I had hoped to take a better one in the sun and snow this morning but it is cloudy.
The sleeves look really narrow but that is due to the 2x2 rib. It fits well...a bit too well considering the extra pounds I added over the holidays. Oh well - better work that off on the treadmill.
My urge to design something took off again. I have almost finished a crocheted dog sweater design. I thought a crocheted one might be easier to attempt first. Hopefully I can translate the design to knitting eventually.
Finally got my Christmas present working. DH bought me a dishwasher. I had nagged him since I moved here almost 8 years ago. Our kitchen needs remodelling and is not very large (considering how much I like cooking). So we had to buy an extra unit to put it in. Unfortunately the unit didn't arrive until Jan 5. DH has worked every night to install it for me and we finally got it running on Wednesday.
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