Long time since I blogged. Can't shake the cold/cough that I picked up on vacation. I feel so tired. Still trying to get fit enough to go and have my blood tests done as I am always so tired. I know I work a lot and have a toddler but I don't think I should feel THIS tired.
Talking of my adorable toddler. He starts Play School next week. We go to meet the teachers and other pupils on Thursday. There are only 6 kids in his group. We only know one of them. He starts for two afternoons per week as of the 14th. I am sort of excited and equally as worried. I guess that is what you call "being a Mom".
Had to give up knitting the Georgina cardigan as I knew I would run out yarn. Tried desperately to get more but it is no longer made and nobody seems to have a couple of balls spare.
My new project is a sweater for Jesse. I have had a book for ages but hadn't got around to knitting anything from it yet. It is called
Kids to Grown Ups Seamless Sweaters . So far the instructions seem clear and well written. I am making Jesse the
Kids Placket Pullover. The yarn is basic Red Hear TLC in a variegated colour called Polo. Red Heart is not wonderful to knit with but it sure is great for a kid like Jesse to wear.
My garden died last night. We got hit by a -6c frost. It hadn't been predicted. I lost all my peas and beans. We had barely had anything from our garden this year due to a total lack of rain. Oh well.