Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Started the BoatNeck Shell from
Coming along nicely. I think it might be a tad larger than the pattern states. That is good because I think I need another inch or so.

Found a definite WIM yesterday (thanks to Paula).
Lucy Lu
I just ***have*** to make that. I have some country blue yarn here that will be prefect.

Another hot day here so I must get the orders done. Then out in the yard with Jesse.

Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Here is the photo of the Sitcom Chic.

Made with Butterfly Super 10 colour 3923 (Mauve).
The front edges are already starting to roll again so I really need to get some ribbon.
The sleeves were knit on a circular using the Magic Loop method.
Too chicken to show my face as I look as tired as I feel.

Sitcom Chic #2 is finished. Just need to press it to see if I can stop the rolling. I doubt if I can get grosgrain ribbon in this tiny town so I can't really try that. The first Sitcom Chic that I made didn't roll....but it wasn't made with the same yarn either. Will try to post a pic of the latest FO as soon as I can.

Anybody know if there is a knit-along for Chicknits Boatneck Shell? I joined the KnitAlong group on Yahoo but nobody seems to be doing this pattern at the moment.

Monday, July 14, 2003

Finally managed to get the main part of Sitcom Chic #2 finished last night. Just need to do the front bands and neck. That will probably happen this afternoon/evening as it is raining today. If work allows me of course. Also did a few rounds of Slip A Colour hat. I think I should have used a larger needle than the pattern stated. The slip stitches are too tight so the pattern is not showing up clearly at all. Ummm....Shall I start again?

Sunday, July 13, 2003

Never managed a stitch of knitting this weekend. DH began to rehearse with a local band on Friday night. Then they did a gig at the Heritage Center last night. They were great! Jesse didn't even notice Daddy on stage though. He was too busy eating fruit.