Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Finally Have An FO Photo

At last I managed to remember to get a photo take when the sun was still out.

Click for Larger photo of Summer Cardigan
Here is Summer Cardigan.

Pattern by Knitting Pure & Simple. Yarn Scholler Stahl Bandolino. It was another cardigan and I ran out of yarn. Couldn't get any more from anywhere so I ripped it. Glad I did as this is such a nice cardigan to wear. It goes perfectly with the Shapely Tank that I made last summer.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Happy that my birthday is over for another year. It was HORRID!! Not only did I not feel well but hubby put even less effort into it than he normally does. Normally he will make a minor effort. This year -- well he practically didn't bother. Jesse had nagged him all week to take him to get me a present -- he didn't of course. So Jesse was upset too. I don't know if it is because Ron was an only child and his parents were too busy farming to even begin to teach his about feelings, caring, thinking of others or what it is. But it hurts when he can't even make the slightest effort for one day per year. (And if it was connected to his work -- he would have gone overboard).
Thanks to all bloggers who sent me greetings though. :-) Isn't it funny how people you have never met can show more care than your own husband!!!!
BITCH over....
Sorry had to get it out of my system.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

I feel ancient today. Not feeling well (women's stuff that I get very badly) and was awake half the night. GROAN!

Never mind....little Jesse ran in the room this morning shouting "Happy Birthday Mommy!". He always manages to put a smile on my face no matter what.