Just about caught up from our trip to Barrhead/Edmonton, AB.
The main reason for the trip was to visit the in-laws. Ron's Mom began raditation treatment the day after we arrived. She seemed to cope well but got very tired a few hours afterwards. I think us being there helped her cope better. But after a few days I wondered if she wasn't trying to stay out of bed just because we were there. Ron agreed. So we left on the Wednesday. It takes us 2 days to get there and 2 to get back -- driving the 12 hours in one day is just too much for Jesse. Looks like we will be heading south again soon...we haven't really had a vacation this year yet so we will either go to Barkerville or maybe Slave Lake, AB. The beach at the Slave Lake would be perfect for Jesse and perhaps the in-laws could drive up with their 5th wheel and meet us there. FIL often goes there to fish anyway.
We had our new (2nd hand) 5th wheel hitched behind us for the first time on this trip. The truck misfired every time we hit a hill. For those that have travelled between Valleyview and Edmonton, you know there are LOTs of hills. It was over 30c too. Plus Jesse wanted to stop and pee about every 5 minutes. Needles to say, the trip down wasn't great. The air conditioner was a godsend as was the microwave. Pure luxury after our little truck camper.
We took the truck into a dealer in Spruce Grove to see if they could find what was wrong. Thankfully they did. Cost $300 to fix but it was worth it. Zender Ford has a great little waiting area for customers. Cafeteria, kids toys and TV. We waited for 2 hours and it was the only last 10 minutes or so that was hard on Jesse. The funniest part was when he looked out of the window and saw the mechanic driving off in our truck. He just screamed; "Man steal truck! Man steal truck!" He was mortified. Sobbing like mad. Poor thing. So funny for everybody else though.
On the knitting front. I took out my Bond Knitting Machine for the first time in 3 years (BJ - Before Jesse). Wanted to see if I could make the Shapely Tank on it. Couldn't figure it out so I began to knit another tank. Well wouldn't you know it - I found the pattern for a Bond version of Shapely Tank in the files for the Bond Knitters Club. I will finish the one that I making and then attempt the Shapely Tank. Luckily I have enough yarn here for both.
Just learnt yesterday that Jesse's birth mom is pregnant again. She blurted it out while we were standing outside the food store last night. Ron and I were floored at the way she said it. She says she keeping it this time. I haven't spoken to her mom yet but my guess is that she is pretty upset too. She has been given every chance to turn her life around - but she kept partying, kept loosing her jobs because she could get up in the morning etc etc. Now she says she is moving to Edmonton (on Canada day she told us she was saving up to go the Thailand!!!!!). I am just worried sick about what will happen to her. She just doesn't have the mental ability to look after herself down there. And what of the baby??? Her reality doesn't seem to be anything like the "real' world. I can see the baby being taken into care in Edmonton. At least if she gets into trouble up here, there is her family and us to keep an eye open. Knowing that the baby is Jesse's blood brother or sister makes me feel kind of responsible too. Is that weird? I am very concerned about any effect this will have on Jesse in the future...at school etc.
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