Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Hope all the Canadian's reading this had a lovely Thanksgiving. We were supposed to go down to Alberta but Ron had to go north instead. It would have made the trip too short and too crazy by the time he got home.

I am still working on the cable sweater for Jesse. The yarn is quite hard on my wrists so I just do a little of that at a time.

Pupkin Patch Hat Also designed a little Pumpkin Patch Hat which he proudly models.

My next brainstorm was a little poncho design. #1 problem - why has it only got 3 shoulder seams instead of 4???? GRRRRRRR. I was about 1/3 of the way through the design before I finally woke up. It was really heartbreaking to frog it. But I did it without tears. About 1/4 has been re-knitted. It looks so much nicer with 4 shoulder seams - grin

Jesse seems to be coming on in leaps and bounds since starting play-school. He nearly made me pass out with shock when he came home and pointed to B and said what it was. He knows J for Jesse and Jackie and sometimes R for Ronald. We have a great gift on the fridge. It is a magnetic alphabet that Jesse's Nana Norma gave him. Made by Leappad. It really helps him learn his letters as he can sing along....and he loves to sing.

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