An update to my previous post. After getting rather unappy with Kobo again, they gave methe details of where to ship the faulty Vox. They said they would pay (not credited to my account as yet) and would ship a new one as soon as I sent them the tracking details. 9 days later my new Vox arrived. I have barely put it down. I have installed Kindle and Sony E-Reader apps on it too so I can read books from all e-book retailers. Also have Netflix on it. I doubt if I will use it to watch Netflix but, hey, you never know!

1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children 2-12 I heard it is sometime of use for dealing with children who have FASD or ARND.
Wicked Fury which was written by someone who attended the same school as me. Pinner Grammar School. The book has had me shivering, my heard started pounding really fast as if I was very scared, goosebumps and also quite emotional. It is well work the low price to download it and get hooked.
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