To cut a really, really long story short. Jesse picked up a bit after being in the hospital in Yellowknife. We got shipped to a hotel. He began to vomit again. I had no phone as it had not been put on in the hotel. Thank God Ron flew up the next day. Jesse went back to the hospital for re-assessing. They put another drip in. Decided it was not appendicitis. Not a blockage either. When he picked up enough, they sent us back to the hotel. He was on a strict diet and we had NO COOKING FACILITIES. This was getting beyond a joke. I managed to cook chicken broth with a coffee maker. He had sips of pedialite. No more vomiting. Next day (Good Friday) back to the hospital. Staff in cafeteria made him toast. He pooped! Yippeeeeee. They discharged him.
If I am ever sick or my son is ever sick again, I don't think I will let them fly us north. I went without food or drink for 18 hours as the hospital coulndn't give me any. By time I made it to the hotel, all places were closed (it was 1am). And I think we were treated like hell. Thank God Jesse didn't need surgery and that he is OK though.
On the crochet front. I am in design mode again. So far I have done this much of a baby's outfit. There will be matching diaper cover, shoes and headband or hat.
This is my new baby. She is called Taylor. More about her another day.
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