Wednesday, October 01, 2003

The weather has been gorgeous here. Most of my free time in the day has been spent walking the trail by the river. Jesse is totally amazed watching the leaves fall from the trees. Then he discovered that they crunch when you jump on them. He picked up yellow leaves and put them in his basket. He added cones that he spotted along our route. A new world opened up for him this week. It was wonderful to be a part of that.

Been managing a few rows of Sonnet each evening. Not as much as I would like as I have had endless deliveries of patterns this week. Am just about to start knitting the buttonhole part - that is the very last part of the body. Then onto the sleeves. Must check if the correction to the pattern has been added to Knitty. I think I will probably make the child's version Haiku for Jesse's little girlfriend, Meg. She would look so cute wearing that...well she looks cute anyway so I should say "cuter".

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